My brother relates he could only manage 35 mph through Alberta in the wind with his big 3/4 ton pickup and belongings trailer in 1992! That was a long time ago and still a fresh memory for him.
My older sister reminded me of the time we were camping in FL as young 'uns when our trailer was the only one standing in the morning because Dad tied it down. All the others blew over. Thank you very much!!
And the memory of the wind in Cabela's parking lot in Mitchell is still right there. What an ugly sound and a terrible feeling.
So I think we will stay here one more day in this protected spot. The Irish has the signs of a cold which started in Michigan at the club with all the second-hand smoke and the forecast calms down tomorrow morning for all plains areas, including Alberta. There is no guarantee that the two campgrounds in Lethbridge would be open or that they would be protected by trees like here. We want to enjoy this trip!
Yesterday we got the oil changed, gassed up, and went shopping at an Albertson's - a very nice store that reminded me of a Shaw's. The Irish says this company also owns Trader Joe's, a favorite of mine. At the oil place, there was a guy from Dutch Harbor and in the campground someone is staying in one of the cabins with AK plates. Great Falls is one of the main travel routes to AK and I imagine locals see a lot of AK traffic.
We were going to have our first campfire of the trip, but it was too windy and unsafe. I boiled the last of the potatoes - Yukon Golds- from Mountain View Stand in Newport, VT along with two patty pan squash from the campground here and sauteed steaks. The sure do have great meat out here!! Re the YG's: I can see the hoopla from the foodies for this potato which holds its shape. The first night we were here I harvested broccoli and we ate that. There are vegetables everywhere and campers are free to harvest as long as they are ripe. What a great place! We have apples to eat and some raw veggies but we are in pretty good shape to cross the border.
There are also woodchucks here. I haven't seen them but I have heard them emit a high-pitched scream, a warning to others as we noisy humans and dogs walk by.
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