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Monday, January 30, 2012

Nice presentation.

So I admit the traditional English Christmas cake does not tempt all American palates, or even many, especially my family, who have been tortured with too many renditions of dry, tasteless, stale, American versions. Even the Irish won't touch it.

Also, Americans are not able to encompass the scope of this ancient traditional cake which began as a porridge to break a long Christmas eve-day fast centuries ago.   It morphed into plum porridge, then dried fruit, spices, and honey were added to the porridge mixture, and eventually it turned into Christmas pudding.

In the 16th century, oatmeal was removed from the original recipe, and butter, wheat flour, and eggs were added. These ingredients helped hold the mixture together and in what resulted in a boiled plum cake. Richer families that had ovens began making fruit cakes with marzipan, an almond sugar paste, cake using seasonal dried fruit and spices. The spices represented the exotic eastern spices brought by the Wise Men. This cake became known as "Christmas cake."

 It is hard for us to imagine the preparation and planning that went into the ingredients of this cake which included the harvest and drying of fruits used to punctuate the cake with bursts of intense flavor and sweetness along with the addition of expensive sweetner hoarded by poorer families all year to sweeten the cake, which is still not sweet enough for most Americans' palates. Small quantities of spices were available only to the wealthiest tier imported from across perilous seas.

This glamorous holiday cake crammed with fruit and nuts, covered w/marzipan, and iced a dazzling white is truly the rock star of the Christmas dinner!

In our too-busy lives everyone, including the English, cuts corners and purchases more processed and store-made food items.  We try not to eat processed food at all and although this takes months to create, it is slow food at its very best!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

OK, We've Had Enough

Just a few more January days and we will have the coldest on record.  The average is 2.7 so far.  I personally would rather not break the record and indeed we are supposed to warm up to 6 degrees tomorrow and 26 on Monday! 

The thermometer is standing at -24 here in South Anchorage.  I have my wool hat on and am getting ready to dive back into bed under not one, but two down quilts, a first for me. 

I am also sick with the worst cough/sinusitis I have ever had.  It started with a bullet cough I thought, from breathing in the cold into my lungs, but is not fortunately p-neumonia, a chest x-ray confirmed.  Still it has all the indications of flu plus a river of PND running down the back of my throat per the doc, and a just awful feeling of illness.  Looking forward to feeling better and I am sure half of ANC is as well, as there is plenty of hacking going on. 

The lad has been a fine caregiver although he has been on the Comtrex himself. 

He made a great invention out of a tall, narrow box with holes to stop the slider from freezing up and shoot warm air into the room instead of onto the window.  I will try to get a few snaps tomorrow.

Still have the snow couches in the back yard and snow that is so deep in the previously plowed places, that it makes for hard walking.

I think ANC drivers are the worst and most irresponsible I have seen yet.

Anchorage police say this late 1990s-model green Toyota Tacoma pickup truck drove off the International Airport Road overpass at Minnesota Drive Friday afternoon, landing in Minnesota's northbound lanes. The driver, a man in his late 80s, was extricated from the vehicle with non-life-threatening injuries; he was speaking with police and paramedics at the scene before being taken to the hospital. (Aaron Weaver/KTUU-TV)

PS.  There were some incredible Aurora to be seen this week but not unfortunately in Anchorage.  With my friend Carol's permission I will post some of her pictures from Knik.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

English Christmas Cake Update

Finally had a chance to make the marzipan for the cake which has been resting quietly since Thanksgivng weekend, waiting for its finale.  Between the heavy workload, another bout of whatever-is-going-around, and the lad sleeping (or trying to) sleep during the daytime, it was good to also catch up on some household noisy chores, including vacuuming. 

It has been brutally cold the past few days, though gorgeous.  We are gaining daylight by four-minute increments and now have more than six hours of light.  The alpenglow has been especially beautiful lately, but difficult to catch on camera.

Ground almonds...

Mixed with sugar...


Cake waiting to be covered...

Rolled marzipan...

And covered completely!

Snow, Snow, and More Snow!

Snow couch the lad made for celebrating Boxing Day with a fire in the firepit.  Fully functional!

Now more snow-covered!