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Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19, 2013

Anchorage had more snow Friday and yesterday, making it the latest it has ever snowed here.  You will note I do not have any pictures here of that.  For a while I tried calling it 'thick rain',

The Kings and Copper River reds are in and a 45 pound salmon along with many others, was flown to Seattle for the many hungry diners in fancy restaurants awaiting this yearly ritual.

I went to 10th & M Seafood for paella ingredients and was made to pet the red salmon (with a glove on, of course).  It was indeed oily and smooth, unlike its neighbor.  Sena, counter clerk, advised oil retention was due to the fast waters of the Copper River.

Wholesale vendors dropped off their catches as I waited for Sena, who was zipping around waiting on customers.  The king crab was gone but side stripes, blue mussels, manila clams, and various fresh and shiny fish lay gleaming in rows.

The mussels and tiny clams, bay scallops, and shrimp went in to the annatto-flavored rice along with sausage, chicken, peas, red peppers, garlic, and shallots and onions.

It was a good dinner and sure to be better today.

We misjudged and bought herbs at Dimond Greenhouses a week or so ago and the plants are struggling in the cool indoors.  yes, I am talking about inside the house, not outside.  I don't find it over-cool, but basil does love heat and not to have cold, wet feet!  We lost a few but are hoping to save the rest.

Costco had plenty of plants being purchased.  It's always a gamble up here, because once things are gone, they are gone.  It would be hard to be a slow shopper up here for sure.